Senin, 22 November 2010

Mylockbox forgotten password how to uninstall?

Mungkin karena pertama dikenalkan My lockbox oleh temanku. Rasa ingin tahu dalam diriku membuatku ingin menginstal applikasi ini. Tp karena terburu-buru dengan hal baru, beberapa hari kemudian aku lupa akan passwordku. Paniknya applikasi ini tidak bisa begitu saja bisa diuninstal. Semua cara sudah ku coba, mulai dari memodifikasi ribuan kata yang kuingat.. "kali aja sesuai dengan passwordku", kataku hahahaha... konyol. Masuk kontrol panel, ku coba uninstal lewat add and remove tp tetap saja sia-sia.

Sampai suatu malam aku browsing di internet dan menemukan cara merecover passwordku yang hanya memakan waktu kurang lebih 1 menit dibandingkan merangkai kata seharian untuk menemukan passwordmu yang telah kau lupakan,... hahahahaha Finally..

Just to go startmenu > run and enter

"C:\Program Files\My Lockbox\mylbx.exe" /recovery

(with "", if your installation path is different, use yours), then hit Ok. wait a couple of seconds and then start the mylbx.exe file or the shortcut, a window should pop up asking you to enter a new password, confirm and you have a new password and can use the regular unins000.exe in the My Lockbox folder or Software panel in controlset

So easy right?.. hmm.. good luck 4 u

L Matheswara S

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Merapi volcano erupted in central java

KLATEN, - thundering voice repeatedly heard from the direction of Mount Merapi on Sunday (07/11/2010) at around 2.00. Roar sounded from Padasan Hamlet, Village Tijayan, Manisrenggo, Klaten which is about 25 kilometers from the peak of Merapi.

Based on the observation, the clamor has been heard since yesterday morning. A roar that was audible when countless hot clouds continued to gush from the top of Merapi. Throughout the day, thick smoke covered Mount Merapi.

As of this moment, from Hamlet Padasan not visible because of Mount Merapi covered with dust. In fact, according to residents, if there is no dust and sunny weather, Merapi can be seen clearly. Have not seen the flow of lava from the summit of Merapi.

Although its location is relatively far from the peak of Merapi, residents in the hamlet and its surroundings have been mengevakuasikan Padasan into refugee camps around Prambanan. Looks dozens of residents on guard to minimize the action of theft.

"It's from yesterday's residents to evacuate," said Suroto (47), one of the residents.

Authors: Sandro Gatra Editor: Jimmy Hitipeuw

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